Fashion: The Jerry’s Den Look | 5/1979

Jerry' Den Hairstyle

The Natural or Afro has not taken a backseat to today’s styles. We hairstylists are more experienced and research and technology have finally caught up with demand. Business has never been better, says Jerry Wright, founder of Jerry’s Den Salons.

Jerry's Den Hair Style Jerry's Den Hair StyleJerry and his wife Eunice specialize in creating the Afro Look in their eight full-service salons in New York City. Jerry and Eunice offer their expert advice on the care and maintenance of the Afro: ‘‘Contrary to popular belief, the Afro needs the same kind of attention that any other hairstyle requires. If your hair is very tight, braid it at least two times a week. This will keep the hair from, tangling. Tangling is a leading contributor to breakage. Shampoo the hair once a week. If your hair is dry, use an oil-base shampoo. Towel drying is best, but if you prefer to blow dry, use an oil-base conditioner to protect the hair from becoming dry and brittle. It’s important not to completely dry the hair this way because it promotes dryness.

“Have your Afro trimmed as often as possible to remove split ends. Dandruff, another problem, is partially caused by poor diet and insufficient body fluid. When trying to combat this condition, never grease the scalp, this will only clog the pores. Instead, check with your hairstylist for tips on the shampoo and conditioner suited for your hair and scalp.” Jerry’s Den (283-8064)

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Leon MacDonald
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