Publisher Statement 1994 | 1994-11

I wish to extend my heartfelt appreciation to the many advertisers who support us, and thus express their confidence in ROUTES.
We all benefit from their presence in these pages, and I urge ROUTES readers to be equally supportive of them-when you respond to an advertisement, please let it be known that you saw it in ROUTES. As they say, what goes around, comes around.

Also, please give us a call if you are affiliated with a non-profit organization in need of a fund-raising vehicle. We have an effective program already in place, and would be happy to work with you on a campaign-big or small. Remember, our community’s strength depends in good measure on our willingness to work with each other and help it become self-supporting.

Here is a pdf version of this issue. It contains all 1994 restaurant listings and more.

See a list of all archived ROUTES editions