
Day 2 - February 2, 2015 Call it the magic of melanin The essence of soul No drug could take its place No amount of practice Can give you this edge This is an african thing An electric sensation Felt by anyone who can see and feel No one can teach this But it’s there like the air With an attitude Mother Nature stands with hands on hips Daring you to change the weather Jackie had it when he stole home plate Jack Johnson had it when he hit you in your face It’s like the music that’s not written But it makes you dance It’s the african drum Beating even after the drum was taken away We be the beat of life You can hear and feel the rhythm When Serena takes the court Even her sister Venus Has voodooized the sport Ali made it glisten And rope-a-doped you with his charm Michael Jordan mastered the science Even the officials were disarmed It can’t be copied bought or captured It’s the freedom of the african soul Bathing in the well of our ancestors It is truly black diamond and gold —ABIODUN, 2-1-15 Abiodun Oyewole is one of the founding members of The Last Poets. He's reachable at "poetabiodun@yahoo.com".... Read More