
Interested in African-American art? We feature black artists and their work, inform you about the latest museum exhibitions and you get to know the people behind the scenes.

In 1994, I was very disappointed with this exhibit and its portrayal of African-American men. Do you, the reader, think this exhibit's portrayal has contributed to the ever present mistreatment of the African-American male? Watch the video. What do you think of the justifications for the exhibition offered by this panel of esteemed African-Americans? —RonnBunn... Read More
Cornell University Library has made available a collection of 645 African-American images from the 1860s through the 1960s. The collection was donated to the University by Stephan and Beth Loewentheil in 2012. The university says "one of the goals — both the Lowentheils is putting the collection together and ours in putting the digital collection online — is to push back against the predominance of material on African-Americans as enslaved people or working in menial jobs or other stereotypical situations.... Read More